Today I woke to the sound of fanfares bursting below my bedroom window, opened my door to a spontaneous eruption of cheering all up and down my street, and took the kids to school amid the colourful paraphernalia of people waving flags, throwing streamers and blowing whistles at me.
That’s right today is one special day!
The Fall releases in bookshops all over the UK, which will soon be followed by sightings in Australia, Canada, South Africa and Russia! Hooray! People have been camping outside branches of Waterstones and WH Smith just hoping to get their hands on a copy and now YOU can have a signed set copy of the Glimpse Duology, just by bowing at my feet and giving me your soul.
OK, I won’t make it that hard. And I might possibly be exaggerating about the camping and fanfares. Maybe that all happened before I woke up...
Actually, the truth about book birthday’s, is no one really notices anything unusual about the day, except perhaps that the author sparkles ever-so-slightly and might be heard uttering little incredulous ‘squeaks’ from time to time. But if you would like to help me celebrate, that would be awesome!
I’m giving away three signed sets of The Glimpse Duology
– The Glimpse (2012) and The Fall (2013). Please come and leave a comment HEREto let me know you’d like to win them! You can also help me by voting on a possible title for my new YA fantasy. And every time one of you leaves me a comment, a little ‘hooray!’ will sound in the ether of wonder, coming from across the waters in a little, red-roofed house near Paris. Thank you for celebrating with me!